Thursday, December 3, 2009

Thanksgiving with the Elliott's

We did Thanksgiving with the Elliott's this year. The whole family was there....yeah! That first picture is of Makenna snuggling up with Grandpa Russ with Mocha's travel blanket....YUCK! Anyway, we got there late Wednesday night and both of the kids got a cold Wednesday morning before we left. It was a night of H-E-DOUBLE HOCKEY STICKS! I think that was the worst sleep I have got since Hollis was born. He would sleep for only about 15 minutes and then wake up crying.....that lasted all night. At 5am I finally had Dustin go out to the car and get Hollis's swing to see if he might sleep in that -- we had tried everything. Luckily, he slept in the swing from 5am-6am and then woke back up. That was the most sleep we had all night. Then my wonderful mother-in-law took him at that point so that Dustin and I could sleep for another 2 hours. THANKS JANIE! Every night was a little rough there but that first night was definetly the worst. I would always have to go to bed early when everyone else was playing games because I didn't know how much sleep Hollis would give me that night. Besides that, the food was good and we had a lot of it -- thanks Steph and Janie. They did all the work, I just made a few pies. The boys and Janie, Steph, and Becca played an early morning Turkey Bowl. I just watched from the car with my sick kids and recorded a little bit of it for them. We played cards and Josh and Becca taught us the game MAFIA which was a lot of fun. You can't help but really get into that game. Maybe I will teach it to my family at Christmas time. I am sure they would like it a lot. We also did a little shopping or more like "window shopping." Then Dustin took me, Janie, Russ, Josh, Becca, and the kids up to Bayfield, CO to see what it looked like up there. I really liked it up there. It is very pretty and it started to snow on us a little which I loved! The video is in the car on the way back from Bayfield. Makenna was making up her own song and insisted that Grandma Janie did all the actions with her. It was hilarious! She did it a few times. Anyway, we had a great time!

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