Sunday, March 1, 2009

Weekend on the Lake in February

Josh and Rebecca were so kind to take us out on their boat Saturday afternoon. It was a beautiful day outside - about 75 degrees up at the lake and about 80 in Phoenix. I didn't get in the water, but Dustin tells me it was very cold. He wore a wet suit but Josh, Russ, and most the other people on the lake didn't wear one, so it must have been bearable. I was so glad to get outside for the day. Before we went to the lake I was able to plant some of my flowers outside and I loved being outside. Doesn't Dustin look hot in his picture.....I think so! Now, take a look at my picture and you will get to see how big a pregnant woman looks in a swim suit. I am so glad Kristen had this swim suit that I could barrow. The last picture is of Makenna - she fell asleep on the way home from her day on the boat. We thought it was funny how just last weekend Makenna was sledding and the very next weekend she is out on the boat.

1 comment:

  1. SO JEALOUS!!!! That looks like so much fun! I would just be thankful to have a day outside in the sunshine!! I am so glad you have such wonderful in-laws! Love them!!
